SIG is a leading market maker and liquidity provider in a wide variety of securities, commodities, and other financial products, including options, ETFs, and other derivatives. We rely on our sophisticated quantitative applications and advanced, self-developed technology to remain at the forefront of the trading industry.

Our traders receive extensive training in the fundamentals of decision theory to
make deep, liquid markets in almost every major asset class and corresponding
derivative product.

SIG's trading operations extend across North America, Europe, and Asia, with active platforms in equities, options, ETFs, fixed income, energy, commodities, and other futures and financial products.

SIG makes markets in more than 5,000 NASDAQ securities and provides specialized execution services for individual equities, including our own direct access platform and algorithmic trading solutions. We also provide wide coverage of most major ETFs either as a market maker, providing liquidity on all of the exchanges on which ETFs are listed, or as a principal trader.

Distinguished by our time-tested understanding of options pricing, trading dynamics, and market structure, SIG is a specialist in approximately 600 equity options and 45 index options.

As a market maker in commodities, SIG is active in the options and futures markets and provides liquidity across virtually all financial products, including agriculture, metals, and energy. A leading global trading company, SIG offers a wide variety of effective hedging strategies to companies of all sizes.

Our energy team leverages SIG's expertise in commodities and equities to effectively address the financial and physical needs of its clients. We enable producers and load-serving entities to effectively manage risk by providing market making services in hard to find congestion, basis, and option-related products.

Municipal bonds
Active in shaping the municipal marketplace since the early 1990s, SIG is widely recognized as a leading liquidity provider. Our substantial commitment of technological, human, and financial resources enables our teams to execute with speed and accuracy.

Corporate bonds
SIG is a firm of choice for the execution of orders, due to our team of seasoned traders specializing in different areas of the fixed income market and our ability to carry larger inventory at fair prices. We actively assess and manage risk and execute distinct transactions.
